Channel Apps

Hubzilla: Installation

Hubzilla Installation

Quick Copy & Paste Version for the Command Line

The full installation instructions are located in the install directory, or located online at:

But after you install it a few dozen times, it just becomes easier to copy and paste the specific commands that you need.

Note: these commands are specifically tailored to work on cPanel systems, but you can adapt them to work on any other system. For example, on cPanel systems, your website is located in public_html. If your website is located in a different directory, then you would need to change this.

Clone Hubzilla using the following commands:

git clone public_html
cd public_html
mkdir -p "store/[data]/smarty3"
chmod -R 755 store

Optionally, clone the Hubzilla addons, widgets, and themes repositories using the following commands:

util/add_addon_repo hzaddons

util/add_widget_repo hzwidgets

util/add_theme_repo hzthemes

Clone Neuhub using the following commands:

util/add_theme_repo neuhubthemes

util/add_addon_repo neuhubaddons

util/add_widget_repo neuhubwidgets

Cron every 10 minutes

cd /home/example/public_html; /usr/local/bin/php Zotlabs/Daemon/Master.php Cron > /dev/null 2>&1

Note: You will need to change the paths in the above cron job to work.