Channel Apps

Development: Custom Web Page Addon

Custom Web Page Addon

for Hubzilla

This addon allows you to add web pages to HTML using a custom URL.

It is structured as one Hubzilla addon that contains multiple modules and template (.tpl) files.

It would be similar to Example Addon except it would support multiple modules. Each module would be a different page.

Example Use Case

Create four HTML-based pages with the following URLs:


The templates for each of those would reside in the addon's tpl folder and these tpl files would contain the HTML.

  • addon/Exampleaddon/view/tpl/main.tpl
  • addon/Exampleaddon/view/tpl/hosting.tpl
  • addon/Exampleaddon/view/tpl/features.tpl
  • addon/Exampleaddon/view/tpl/webdesign.tpl

You would also need modules for each URL, and the appropriate hooks and widgets registered.

If we want to create widgets in the sidebar, we can include them in addon/Exampleaddon/Widget similar to how the Articles addon does it.