Become a Member!
Your support helps make this server possible.
This server is powered by the community. We don't sell your data. We don't show ads. We don't try to manipulate you with algorithms. It is social media your way. Follow who you want to follow. Block who you want to block.
But we need your support to keep this server running. Choosing a paid plan would be appreciated and support further development and expansion.
- 1 social identity (channel / alias).
- 10 MB of Cloud Storage for files, images, videos, and more.
- All the standard features of Hubzilla.
A fediverse social media account with cloud storage. Help us fund this server.
Get Started- Unlimited social identities (channels).
- 1 GB of Cloud Storage for files, images, videos, and more.
- All the standard features of Hubzilla.
- Administrator access.
- Unlimited social identities (channels).
- 20 GB of Cloud Storage for files, images, videos, and more.
- Additional storage space available for an additional fee.
- Your own domain name (optional, sold separately) or one of our subdomains (free).
- We install and manage the technology for you.
- All the standard features of Hubzilla.
Build Your Own Server
Your own fediverse server with social media and cloud storage.
Get Started- Administrator access.
- Unlimited social identities (channels).
- 20 GB to 5 TB of Cloud Storage for files, images, videos, and more.
- 2 GB to 24 GB of RAM.
- 100% to 400% Virtual CPU.
- Your own domain name (optional, sold separately) or one of our subdomains (free).
- We install and manage the technology for you.
- All the standard features of Hubzilla.